Sunday, August 12, 2012

Hylophobia / My Thesis Project Production Design

For an average animation students in DLS-CSB, 10 weeks would not be enough to finish a short animated film, given that we were given at the very least of 3 terms to develop it.

I always wanted to produce an animated short good enough to surpass my poor to mediocre performance in my past several terms as an animation student in Benilde. For the 3rd time and my last chance, (I've dropped my very last major subject twice challenging my residency at school) again took a high risk to challenge myself to create a better thesis project for the sake of self fulfillment (given that i only have more or less 10 weeks). Yes i restarted everything, thanks to my Course Adviser, Sir Linton for letting me do this, even though I failed to deliver twice before.

Throughout the past 10 weeks, here are my production design for my thesis project titled "The Fluffy Munchies". I don't even have an idea why I came up with that title, it just sound cute.

Character Line Up

Hunter Turn Around

Fluffy creature

Bear turn around

Mad Fluffy Creature

Le Gator

Background Designs
Incidental Characters

Sample Story Board

I wouldn't dare to go through the sleepless and stress weeks without the support of my family and Eveth, my girlfriend who is by the way a professional artist. Do visit her blogspot > she's good right?

Animated clip will be posted sooner or later.